
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Places I die to go for !!

Hi guys.. !!
in this holiday.. its really make sense if we think about what are the places that you really die to go for.. first of all, I really love traveling.. especially to international travel (like that possible..haha! but nothing impossible right?)
well, this is the places that I really want to go.. in spite of  the distance that seems sooo far, the cost is Ouch!.. hehe.. but whatever.. every person should have a dream, agree y'all??

1. Venice - italy

Dunno.. its seems so romantic there.. see and walk up Rialto bridge at night and during the day.. took a gondola on the canal..  see the whole city at night from up on top of the Campanile.. hmmm...

Venice at night : 

Rialto bridge :

Even if you are traveling by yourself, it doesn't matter right, because the place its so beautiful ..
the hotels are great.. imagine, when you open the window, this is what you see!
hmm.. Let see... I assume this is a great tourism track in Europe.. (whooops! I'm drooling, haha)

2. Santorini - Greece

Well, I think some of you have never heard of this place.. me my self know this place from the movie "The Sisterhood of Traveling Pants 2" (cast: Alexis Bledel) its a teenage movie..
Santorini is one of the most magical islands of Greece.. It is a rocky island just opposite a volcano, high cliffs offering breathtaking views and fantastic sunsets.. yeah well..

Something unique there I think.. mostly all colours of the wall is white and the roof tiles are blue.. something to catch your eyes.. surprisingly, Santorini has long been called as a possible model for the mythical lost continent of Atlantis.. (wow!!)

the place is locate in :

its a small island isn't it?

this is Santorini everybodyyy...

yummyyyyyy... !!!

its great isn't???? hope to go there..
if you want to see the city, watch the movie..
this is the cover of  The Sisterhood of Traveling Pants 2, absolutely its available in DVD.. hehe

yup, that's the place that I really die to go for.. what about you? do you have place that you really want to go?

c u later guys!!

PS : Do something that you like!! so you will do it with all of your heart.. and 
Love you Patria Adhikarna..

Monday, May 24, 2010

Movie Review : " Whip it "

Pernah nonton filmnya Ellen Page yang judulnya Juno (2007)..??
gw baru aja nnton filmnya yg judulnya "Whip it"
kaget bgt waktu dya main film ini.. karena dsini dya jadi pemain roller gitu.. hihihi.. uda gitu bukan roller yang asal syp yg paling cepet menang, tapi karena ini Derby, jadii pake tonjok2an gitu dehh..
kocak + aneh juga filmnya.. tapi bagus..
But jgn salah.. yg main ada Drew Barrymore, Jimmy Fallon, Eve (penyanyi hip hop jaman dulu yg lagunya "who's that girl?"), Landon Pigg (yg nyanyi "falling in love at a coffee shop" aneh kan? ternyata dya main film juga loh)..
asik juga ya kalo dsini bner2 ada Roller Derby! pasti gw akan nonton...

this is the cover of the movie :

 Sneak peeks :

ini si Landon Pigg-nya

Movie Rating :

enjoy it guys, while u can! hehe
PS : this movie only available in DVD, and of course.. Love you maiyo! (hehe)

One Month Hibernation..

Helloo.. its me..
its my first post..!! krik..krik..krik**
actually I had a blog before this, and the blog name is "morning coffee" inspired from a novel "Can you keep a secret?"(author: Sophie Kinsella) that my boyfriend gave me on my 22th birthday..
but that blog was... yeah.. a little bit forward, I shouldn't wrote something like that.. hehe
now,about One Month of Hibernation..
well is not actually a hibernation.. coz right now I'm awake! (haha so stupid)
change the language please..

Sebulan libur... itu artinya..
yang hibernasi itu maksudnya otaknya.. haha gaya bgt kan?? kuliah di fakultas kedokteran itu susah bgt yaahhh..
biarpun gw uda lulus, tetep aja "yg namanya dokter itu ga bisa berhenti belajar..." (kata mama, kata dr.Desy, dr.Frida, dr.Robert Sinurat Sp.BS, dan dokter-dokter yg lainnyaaa...zzzzz)
habis sebulan ini libur, I must go to Semarang !! coass di RS Kariadi, bagian forensik..
yang namanya bagian Forensik, you know lahh... its Disection Time!! menunggu mayat datang.. untuk di otopsi trs di tulis visum et repertumnya.. sigh* I cant wait to have those experience! yahh.. katanya sihh tempatnya a little bit haunted.. tapi gw blum percaya karena belum melihat dgn mata kpala gw sendiri (hopefully ga ada yg aneh2 yaa)..
harapan : Lulus bagian Forensik dgn nilai A !! Amiiinnnnn..

well guys this is the hospital...

Uppps... seramm.. ini tahun berapa yah guys??
haha dasar iseng masukin foto kayak bgini.. well that was before, now its bit more like...

hahaha.. ga banyak berubah yaaaa????
cuma terlihat sedikit mutakhir aja.. designnya.. dan hmm.. ga begitu serem yah kelihatannya.. untung gw orgnya pemberani.. (sedikit pemberani lebih tepatnya!) cuman.. ya tetep ajaaa yaaaa.. hahaha
begitulahhh.. hihihi

sebulan disinii... bosen gak ya?? mudah2an gak..
oh iyaa ditambahin ah harapannya...!!
harapan :
dikunjungi pacar saat coass disini! (yeah baby), dokter pembimbingnya baikkk (+ganteng) hahaha, dapet kosan yang bagus,murah,ibu kosnya baikkk, tetep bisa jalan2 disanaaaa!! yeay..!!

sudah dulu yahh.. sambung lagi ntr!
PS: Love U Patria Adhikarna :)